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09:00 AM – Arrival
09:15 AM – Tilawah Quran
09:25 AM – Urdu Speech
09:40 AM – English Speech
10:00 AM – Prayer

?‍?‍?‍? We anticipate a large gathering at the park, so we recommend the community to arrive for 9 AM. The prayer will start promptly at 10 AM.

? Please try to walk or car share to avoid a build-up of traffic. Parking is available at Bescot Retail Park & Bescot Morrisons. Please park responsibly – do not block any driveways, others vehicles or roads.

?Please come with wudhu. There will be no wudhu facilities. Feel free to bring a water bottle, as a precaution.

? Salah will be performed on the grass. Please bring a prayer mat.