Bashir Ahmed, Chairman of Darus-Salam Mosque Cook Street, Darlaston said, “The Congregation at the Mosque has been in shock since the murder and at the tragic loss of Jack Lowe at such a young age. The murder is a daily reminder to the worshippers as they visit the Mosque. We wish to extend our hearty…
Read MoreThe Office of National Statistics(ONS) has shared data following the Census carried out in 2021. Walsall’s population has increased by 5.5%, from around 269,300 in 2011 to 284,100 in 2021. Walsall’s Muslim Population has now reached in excess of 32,107 based on 2021 Census. In 2011, the Muslim population was around 22,146. Walsall is now the…
Read MoreWe support and seek justice for people affected by islamophobia, please report any incidents here:
Read MoreToday, we remember all those who sacrificed in the pursuit of freedom and strengthen our resolve to strive for a world in which peace prevails. Let us also remember those long since forgotten. 2.5 million Muslims are estimated to have fought and worked as part of allied forces globally during WW1 alone. 📸 Forgotten Heroes…
Read MoreIslamophobia Awareness Month (IAM) is a campaign founded in 2012 by a group of Muslim organisations to raise awareness of Islamophobia. The campaign aims to showcase the positive contribution of Muslims and raise awareness of Islamophobia in society.
Read MoreRESEARCH INTO THE IMPACT OF ILLEGAL DRUG USE IN SOUTH WALSALL INVITATION TO APPLY We are seeking to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced consultant, researcher or agency to undertake research into patterns of illegal drugs use and drug supply among young people in South Walsall, with particular reference to Caldmore and Palfrey. The research…
Read MoreMuslims in Walsall are proud to be part of a diverse town and have worked hard with other religious groups. We condemn RSS and intolerance of Muslims, Sikhs and other minorities in Modi’s India. We deplore those seeking to import their intolerance to our cohesive society in Leicester or other parts of UK. We whole-heartedly…
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