The places of worship (POW) protective security funding scheme is a government commitment in the 2016-2020 hate crime action plan. It provides funding for protective security measures to places of worship and associated faith community centres that are vulnerable to hate crime.

This scheme has been designed in accordance with government advice on coronavirus (COVID-19). The application process has been changed this year to allow the scheme to launch without applicants needing to attend their place of worship or engage Designing Out Crime Officers to undertake site assessments at this point in time. Due to the impact of coronavirus, both the process and timetable must remain flexible and is subject to change. Please read through the guidance thoroughly before making an application and check back regularly for updates to the scheme.

You can submit a bid for funding from 16 June until 23:59 on 9 August 2020. We will not consider any bids received after this date. Applicants can submit bids for up to 3 protective security measures. You will be required to contribute 20% of the total cost of the security measures. The maximum government funding available to any place of worship or associated faith community centre is £56,000.

This funding is not applicable for supporting general building improvements, security upgrades or measures to tackle anti-social behaviour, lead theft, or other criminality unconnected with hate crime. Following an open competition, Esotec Limited, has been appointed to be the single provider responsible for conducting site assessments, quotes and installations of all security measures funded under this scheme.