20th April, 2020
Press Release
Fasting Month (Ramadan) under Lockdown with Mosques closed

Assalaam o alaikum warahmatulaah e wabarakatu,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and safe.
Walsall’s 30,000 Muslims are set to welcome the fasting month of Ramadan on Friday 24th of April, subject to visibility of the new moon, like never before. We wish a happy Ramadan to all those celebrating it.

Walsall’s 16 Mosques voluntarily closed their doors before the Government’s instructions to shutdown places of worship were announced.
Ramadan is a month in which the concept of family, togetherness, community, reflection, charity and prayers come to light. A month in which Muslims around the globe display their devotion to Allah by fasting during the daylight hours and perform the “Tarawih” prayers during the night in order to achieve closeness and consciousness to Allah, thus, fulfilling the purpose of Ramadan. It was a common sight to see Mosques host large “iftar” events, especially for the poor and needy and conclude the final daily prayers with the Tarawih prayer. The closure of Walsall mosques and social distancing measures will make Ramadan 2020 feel hugely different for Muslims. Walsall Mosque’s have geared themselves up with new technology and are live-streaming their services on social media delivering sermons. Local mosques will continue to engage with their congregation to help to keep-up morale during these trying times. Ramadan is also a month of giving to charity. Many mosques rely on donations to sustain services and the pandemic has made it increasingly difficult for mosques to raise funds. Online funding platforms have been setup to donate. The Coronavirus pandemic has also seen a surge in local community efforts to care for and help those socially isolating, vulnerable or in need. Walsall Mosques have joined forces with other faith organisations like St. Gabriel’s Church, Walsall Council, Age Matter and The Accord Group to deliver medication, food essentials to vulnerable people. We must continue to ramp-up these efforts as the need for help especial food parcels will increase as lockdown duration prolongs. UMO encourages Walsall Muslims to use the holy month of Ramadan to give back to their communities, both in the way of financial donations to their local mosques and getting involved in local initiatives to help in the wider community. On behalf of the local community UMO has delivered moisturiser, snacks, drinks and cooked food to our NHS staff working hard to fight Coronavirus cases at Walsall Manor. We will continue to work with them to help to meet their needs. UMO’s interim Chair, Mohammed Arif said, “The theme for Ramadan 2020 for Walsall Muslims is to help the NHS and save lives by fasting and praying at home individually or with the family and enjoy the blessings of Ramadan virtually. Ramadan is about piety and recognising the presence of God through worship and reflection. The Coronavirus Pandemic has given us time to reconsider, to reflect in the way we live our lives and the way we relate to our Creator. We pray that as a Community and as a Society we come out of this crisis as more caring. We value our lives more and support each other. The Covid19 has shown us how loved ones can be taken away quickly”
The special festival of Eid-ul-Fitr which marks the end of the fasting month after 29 or 30 days which attracts thousands of Muslims to attend the special prayer in the Mosques will also be a quiet period and celebrated at home as Mosques will continue to be closed to the public in the foresee-able future.

Mohammed Arif – Interim Chair – Trustees & Management Board Mobile: 0777 5813885

Mahmood M Sacha – Trustees Chair & Management Board
Mobile 07961 930113

Email: umowalsall@gmail.com